Saturday, June 11, 2016

Vida Cora REVIDALIZE Your Hair Loss Prevention Filtered Shower Head System with Pulsating LED

Vida Cora REVIDALIZE Your Hair Loss Prevention Filtered Shower Head System with Pulsating LED, Inline-Filter and Ionize Rare RocksReally great shower head and the colors are fun. As to the hair loss prevention, I'm going to have to update this over time to see if there is any noticeable difference. In regards to water softening and filtering, it some seem to have some positive impact. I live in an area with extremely hard water, and while this shower head doesn't completely change that, after a few weeks of use I have noticed some impact. The water pressure out of the shower head is excellent, and with some finagling I was able to adjust it so it is high enough. I"m 6'3, and having a shower head that I don't have to crouch under is always hit or miss. Assembly was straight forward and simple. Added props for including teflon tape in the package.
The one criticism I have is that the large filer (the silver cylinder part) is tricky to tighten so that the weight of the head doesn't droop down. I was able to figure it out, but it took a bit.

The Good
- Installation was simple and straight forward.
- Water pressure is great.
- Able to adjust to accommodate us taller folks.
- The changing LEDs are cool.

The Bad
- Figuring out how to adjust and tighten so that the head stays where you set it is tricky.
- Most of the parts are plastic and I worry that careless tightening might break something (This didn't happen to me, but I was careful).

- What I figured out in terms of adjustment is that after I completely installed the shower head, if you remove the handle from the cradle and twist the filter clockwise, it will tighten the joint and hold in the position it's set.

As a shower head this serves the purpose well, and the LEDs add a cool feature to it. The jury is still out in terms of the long term benefits, and I will update over time.

Disclosure: I received a sample of this item for free or at a discount in order to review. A specific rating of this product was not expected or requested, and the opinions of this review are my own, honest, and given after personally using the product.

Go get you one at Amazon.

Disclosure: I received a sample of this item for free or at a discount in order to review. No rating was expected or requested, and the opinions of this review are my own, honest, and given after personally using the product.

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